Configuring Gmail SMTP Settings for Email Me App [2024 Update]

Learn how to add to Email Me your Gmail account SMTP configuration.

Gmail SMTP Email Me Configuration

Combining Gmail with Email Me App

Gmail is a great alternative for sending emails via SMTP. If you have your own Gmail account I completely recommend following these steps to configure it in Email Me App.

1. Google Account

Go to your Google Account Privacy Screen.

Gmail SMTP Email Me Configuration

2. Enable 2-Step-Verification

Google now requires that you have 2-Step-Verification enabled before you can set up an application password so you'll need to enable 2-step-verification in case you don't have it.

Gmail SMTP Email Me Configuration

3. Create an App Password

Go to your Google Account App Passwords Screen.

An app password works like an alternate password for your account. It can only be used by the applications you share it with, so it’s more secure than sharing your primary password. You can set up an app password in your Google account. If you’d like to use an app password, you’ll need to turn on two-factor authentication for your Google account first. After that, you can create an app-specific password for Email ME in the security settings for your Google account. To do so, select Mail as the app on the App passwords screen and select iPhone as a device. Note: any time you change your main Google account password, it will deactivate your app passwords as well.

New Email Me Website
New Email Me Website
New Email Me Website

4. Add your configuration to Email Me App

Gmail SMTP Email Me Configuration
Tap on Advanced configuration.
Gmail SMTP Email Me Configuration
Tap on Send via.
Gmail SMTP Email Me Configuration
Tap on Add a new SMTP setting and select Gmail.
Gmail SMTP Email Me Configuration
Add the Gmail SMTP together with your newly created App password and save it.

Let me know if this helped and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you for reading and enjoy sending you notes to your email ❤️
- Manuel Escrig

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